Community Health Services Digital Group

The objectives of this group, established in May 2023, include:

  • Enable and empower those working on digital support of community services
  • Offer meaningful insights into upcoming opportunities, developments and interfaces with other workstreams such as Virtual Wards, tech-enabled care, deterioration apps, digitisation of social care and more
  • Support implementation work in line with the NENC Community Health Services Digital strategy and ensure that the strategy and plans remain updated
  • Share knowledge and best practice including case studies
  • Share funding opportunities and coordinate possible combined purchasing power opportunities
  • Provide networking opportunities for those working on similar agendas across the ICS and linking in with the wider NEY work
  • Link relevant work and developments taking place in the Ageing Well, Digital and Community work streams across the ICS

CHSD Group 24th May 2024

Access the event summary here .

CHSD Group 16th February 2024

Access the event summary here .

CHSD Group 15th December 2023

Access the event summary here .

CHSD Group 27th October 2023

Access the event summary here .

CHSD Group 8th September 2023

Access the event summary here .

CHSD Group 14th July 2023

Access the event summary here .

CHSD Group 12th May 2023

Access the event summary here .

You can give feedback and request future topics by completing this brief poll

Slides and handouts from the event:

  1. The community definitions were a starting point but in line with our discussion, what is most useful to us within the ICS when considering community Health settings or Health funded contracts in various community settings is how we will drive this forwards – click here.
  2. Community Health Services Digital strategy – draft mapping slide of digital strategy themes against ‘What Good Looks Like’ – click here.
  3. Objectives and Goals from the draft Ageing Well action plan ‘23-24. Influenced by national/regional CHS Digital workplans and guidance – click here.

Presentation / Discussion Overview