Frailty opportunities for people, carers, families and health and care communities

Frailty is progressive in nature, typically developing over 5 to 15 years [3, 4], and the onset of early frailty can predate crisis by a decade or more.  It often presents with episodic deteriorations (delirium; falls; immobility).  The degree of frailty of an individual is not static; it naturally varies over time and can be made better and worse depending on the intervention provided [7].

IMAGE HERE, reproduced with permission

The Frailty Fulcrum


Considering national evidence and local intelligence for frailty interventions the following benefits could be released across the region:

  • If 10% of the severely frail had remained moderately frail the gross savings across the STP  would be £5,767,375 over 12 months
  • If 10% of the mildly frail had remained fit, gross savings would be more than £15m  (owing to higher patient numbers)

NB: Gross estimates- these figures do not account for the costs of interventions to prevent frailty progression.

Gross cost savings if 10% of cohort were less frail by One EFI Stage (based on Q4 2017/18 cohort numbers)

Category Savings per Patient Number of Patients (10%) Potential Saving

The table below shows the potential improvement in ecah of our regional frailty outcomes.  The table will be expanded as additional metrics are baselines.  Improvement is shown agaibst two scenarios, firstly the opportuinity offered by moving STP performance to the England position and secondly the opportunity offered by moving CCGs below the STP position to the STP position.

Opportunity for Improvement in Outcomes Framework Metrics

Metric Baseline Baseline Period CCG Movement to England Aggregate CCG Movement to STP Aggregate Improvement Description

To compare Local Health and Care economies benefits (click here)