
Involve people, carers, and families to introduce the concept of frailty and build a relationship between them and care professionals.  Ensure that the voice(s) of the person and/or carer are paramount, both at a community level for making decisions today and informing the care and support of tomorrow; and at an individual level so people, carers and families are actively engaged and involved in shaping their own care.


Community Involvement

Real involvement for our patients and public is fundamental to all aspects of service redesign. It is vital that the views of people, their carers’ and families must come first, especially those who find it hardest to be heard. People must be treated as equals and ‘best practice’ methodology in engaging, involving and co-producing services sought that is right for our local people.  Aim to achieve ‘being involved’, which is 1 of the 8 Healthwatch principles [8]:

‘I want to be an equal partner in determining my own health and wellbeing. I want the right to be involved in decisions that affect my life and those affecting local services in my community’.

Individual, carer and family involvement

The core aim of a CSP approach is to involve the person (and carers) in planning the future, by wrapping the traditional components of clinical care around what is important to them in living their life. This involves a ‘conversation between experts’, i.e. those with technical expertise and those with lived experience i.e. the person, their carers and family.



Community level

Individual level


Local stories


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